ISO 9001:2015​

We at VS ONE WORLD (PVT) Ltd are committed to providing high quality IT solutions and services to our customers and all our interested parties by being the

“The Technology Experience”.

Design and implementation of optimum enterprise IT solutions with on‐time delivery and reliable after sales support services is our prime focus

To Achive Our Goals We

Establish Quality Management System which drives us through continual improvement in complying to ISO 9001:2015 standards
Follow the process approach which utilizes all our resources to prevent risks and taking challenges of new opportunities
Identify and maintain the legal obligations enforced by regulatory and statutory authorities
Enhance the satisfaction of all our interested parties, by ensuring the fulfillment of their needs and expectations

Maintain professional communication channels to obtain valuable feedback of our stakeholders, to bring our services to imaginary heights of excellence

Establish an ongoing training and development process to improve the professional workforce with self‐ motivation, skills and competencies to deliver their best
Establish an ongoing training and development process to improve the professional workforce with self‐ motivation, skills and competencies to deliver their best
This policy will be communicated to all employees and interested parties working for or on our behalf with the expectations of assisting the implementation of this policy
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