One of the leading automobile distributors in Bangladesh with strong growth in commercial vehicle market, focusing mainly on imports and sells light, medium and heavy truck chassis, different types of bus chassis such as AC buses, deluxe buses, tractors and special vehicles like dump truck, water tankers etc.


•EMI schedule preparation and collection through system

•Chassis and Component-based inventory tracking

•Inventory movement tracking

•Customer and EMI balance maintenance 


•Modified EMI introduced in customer order for creating EMI schedule

•Serial tracking from import landing station for each component

•Historical inventory movement history log

•Customer payment receipt through each EMI installment and customer wise balance record


•Reduce additional man hour for calculating EMI schedule

•Proper tracking of all EMI installment customer order wise

•Increased efficiency and reduce time in import reorder point

•Increase inventory turnover through instant movement tracking

•Increase customer relationship through better visibility and customer know how