Established in 1980, One of the leading conglomerates in Bangladesh with diversified business in the areas of Automobile, Real estate, Electronics, Bank, Insurance, Exports, Printing, lifestyle, Fisheries, Pharmaceuticals, etc.  


•Different SBU’s of RANGS Group have been using various local and customized software for their business processes since the 1990s.

•These software were not integrated and had their functional limitations & shortcomings. 

•Support services provided by the vendors were inadequate and delayed. 

•Top management, end-users, and customers all were facing problems very frequently. 

•MIS reports and other day-to-day operational reports were not readily getable.

•Historical Data were scattered & missing. 

•No central data system was available.

•Central monitoring was very hard to implement. 


•Top Management of Rangs Group decided to put some of its key SBU’s under full-fledged System Automation. 

•After some demonstration and selection processes, IFS-ERP (Sri Lanka) was selected as RANGS Group’s ERP Implementation partner in 2011-12.

•7 SBU’s of RANGS Group were selected for IFS-ERP system implementation.

•One by one, all these 7 SBU’s got IFS-ERP rollout successfully. 

•Depending on each SBU’s business nature and modality, various integrated functional modules were implemented, i.e., Finance, SCM, Service, Sales, Manufacturing, Project management, HR, Credit management, etc.

•Online support systems were implemented under AMC. 


• A central monitoring system was possible

•MIS reports & functional reports were readily available for management decision making

•A central database of Customers & Suppliers were developing within IFS system

• Day-to-day business operations became smooth & in line.

•Due to proper system control mechanism, information was transparent and authentic

•End-users, Customers, and Suppliers were getting the benefits of the ERP system

•Process & system bureaucracy were limited

•Loss of historical data became negligible 

•ERP System support processes were reliable