Connected, Efficient, and Agile Digital Ecosystems

Seamless Systems Integration With

At VS ONE WORLD, we specialize in delivering robust Integration Solutions that connect various business applications, fostering seamless data exchange and harmonized workflows. Our services bridge the gap between disparate systems, breaking down data silos and facilitating interoperability.

Whether you’re integrating on-premises or cloud-based systems, our experienced team leverages industry-leading integration technologies to create the perfect integration strategy for you. With our solutions, enjoy a comprehensive view of your business operations and accelerate your journey towards a truly connected enterprise.

WSO2 Integration Solutions

Charting Complexity for a
Strong API Foundation

“APIfication” has become an industry buzzword in digital transformations. Companies use the APIs to extend their business functionalities and accelerate their digital transformation. Today, On-premise, Cloud and SaaS apps are using APIs as the foundation layer for interoperability and interconnectivity. While this process has many advantages, it also adds a layer of complexity to the technology stack of the organizations. API security, Scalability, Monetization have become major concerns of CIOs and CISOs. WSO2 provides a stable and secure API foundation which allows the developers to build new APIs using drag and drop interfaces and allows them to apply dynamic security policies. VS ONE WORLD along with WSO2 can help organizations chart out this complexity by developing a strong API foundation.


Paving the Way for APIfication

The VS ONE WORLD API JumpStart workshop is committed to helping organizations accelerate their journey towards APIfication. Working closely with the customer, we collaboratively select a mutually agreed use case, and then develop an API foundation using WSO2 products, including the WSO2 API Manager and WSO2 Micro Integrator.

Our process involves implementing the WSO2 Core products in the customer's environment and providing enablement to the organization's development team to get a robust start with the solutions. The VS ONE WORLD development team works hand-in-hand with the Customer development team to achieve the agreed common use cases, enhancing productivity and facilitating a seamless API integration.

Customer Identity and
Access Management

Authentication Starts Here

In today's digital landscape, where Web3 and E-Commerce technologies are the driving force, Customer Identity has become a cornerstone in digital transformation initiatives. This extends beyond consumer space and is now a crucial requirement for B2B operations as well.

Organizations now seek Flexible and Adaptive customer authentication, a key business need that enhances user experience, while consolidating their customer data to address escalating regulatory concerns. At VS ONE WORLD, we provide solutions to unify and simplify your user experience, extending across Customer Authentication, Authorization, and across multiple SaaS, Web, and On-Premise applications.

Our comprehensive approach even extends to B2B scenarios, providing efficient authentication for third-party users such as partners who access your systems, ensuring seamless, secure, and user-friendly interactions.

VS ONE WORLD Identity Workshop

The VS ONE WORLD Identity Workshop is a specialized service focusing on identifying and addressing your business and technical requirements related to your Customer Identity initiative. Our seasoned team of professionals will engage in a thorough analysis of your applications, scrutinizing Authentication Requirements and Regulatory Mandates.

This comprehensive study facilitates the design of a robust CIAM Strategy (Customer Identity and Access Management Strategy) that aligns with your organization's unique needs, ensuring seamless integration and management of user identities across your business landscape.

WSO2 Open Banking

Empowering Agile Banking Compliance

VS ONE WORLD introduces WSO2 Open Banking, a bespoke solution purpose-built for regulatory compliance. Designed with a flexible componentized architecture, WSO2 Open Banking seamlessly integrates with your existing technology infrastructure, ensuring rapid compliance fulfilment. With its foundation on a unified integration platform, it empowers banks to remain agile amidst ever-evolving digital initiatives, beyond mere compliance.

Our solution provides a sophisticated platform to streamline and manage your Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) effectively. Facilitate secure, seamless communication between your banking systems, software, and services, optimizing your digital capabilities.

Prioritize customer security with our robust Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) features. Ensure secure transactions and protect sensitive customer information, fostering an environment of trust and reliability in your digital interactions.

Our consent management offering provides comprehensive tools to track, manage, and regulate customer consent, in accordance with regulatory standards. By respecting and managing user consent effectively, maintain a high level of trust and transparency with your customer base.

Achieve fluidity and unity across your digital landscape with our effective integration tools. By bridging the gap between disparate applications, we help create a collaborative, efficient, and productive digital ecosystem that powers your business.

Facilitate smooth onboarding of third-party providers onto your platform with our efficient tools and procedures. Enhance your operational capabilities, expand your service offerings, and foster beneficial partnerships seamlessly.

Uphold the highest standards of data privacy and protection with our GDPR compliance tools. By ensuring adherence to GDPR regulations, safeguard your operations against potential legal and financial implications, while maintaining your reputation.

Protect your business operations with our proactive risk management and fraud detection offerings. By identifying and mitigating potential threats before they impact your operations, ensure the smooth functioning and long-term success of your enterprise.


VS ONE WORLD proudly powers the integration solutions for an esteemed clientele spanning diverse sectors. From banking with Commercial Bank of Maldives and Peoples Bank, to telecom with Dhiraagu, Dialog Healthcare, Cellcard and Nokia, to education and healthcare with the Department of Education and National Blood Transfusion Service in Sri Lanka, we've forged successful partnerships delivering cutting-edge technology for streamlined operations.

Esteemed Partner

As an esteemed partner in integrations, WSO2 plays a crucial role in our solution ecosystem. WSO2 is a leading open-source technology provider, renowned for its agility and adaptability. Their expertise aids us in delivering robust, scalable, and comprehensive integration solutions to our clients. Together with WSO2, we are able to empower businesses to seamlessly connect systems, services, and applications, thereby facilitating efficient workflows and improved data management. This partnership is a testament to our commitment to provide only the best in class solutions to our clients.

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